The abstracts, no longer than 3000 characters, including spaces, should concisely summarise the work and the main results without using equations, figures or tables. References, if needed, should be incorporated within the main body of the text and not at the end as a separate list.

To submit your abstract(s), please register below and enter the Abstract Portal, where you can create, edit, and submit your abstract(s) until the abstract submission deadline. Afterwards, the abstracts will be locked and sent for review and editing. In order to change your abstract(s) after the submission deadline, please contact the Conference Secretariat by e-mail (info@rap-conference.org).

If you have any problems with abstract submission, please contact us at info@rap-conference.org.

The abstract submission deadline is April 30, 2020.

The deadline for submission of full papers (up to six pages) for the Conference Proceedings is May 15, 2020. Full paper submission is not a condition for presenting your contribution at the conference. The template is available here.


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